Who is within your reach?

Who is within your reach?  We have people we encounter throughout the week.  There are lives that we have the ability to touch.  Crossbridge is a reaching church.  We are intentional with the relationships within our reach.

At Crossbridge, we use the word missional.  We want to be a church full of missional people—people joining God on his mission to seek and save the lost in their daily lives.  To reach is to live missionally.  We believe that Jesus has called all of his followers to live out the words of his great commission:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

We believe these words are intended for all followers of Christ.  We view those people within our reach—people in our neighborhoods, work places, and those places we most frequently visit as our mission field.  We believe these are the places where we live out the GREAT COMMISSION.  When we reach, we get to know the people around us, and we view all our relationships with a purpose.  We imagine how Jesus would respond and act accordingly.

A church that reaches is a church that believes that its gatherings and programs are not primarily where disconnected people make connections with our church.  There is something we like to say around Crossbridge, “The front door to our church is the front door of your home.”  No matter what the front door of your home may look like, the idea is this—we believe that the most effective way to connect people with our church AND with the love of Jesus, is by first connecting them in relationships with the people that make up our church.

As a reaching church, we don’t fill our calendars with programs.  We make time to live missionally.  We live intentionally within our normal activities throughout the week.  Crossbridge strives to be a church full of people living intentionally within their reach.

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